The labyrinthine city of Lewin. This monster-infested labyrinth was home to a large number of adventurers. The protagonist, who has lost his life and is reincarnated, wakes up in a labyrinth. No matter how you look at it, it's a kitten! However, it was actually a juvenile form of the disaster-class S-rank monster "Behemoth"! He meets Aria, a fledgling D-rank adventurer. Mistaking him for a kitten, Aria takes him home and treats him when he is seriously injured, naming him "Tama" and making him a pet. Tama was touched by her kindness and vowed to become a knight to protect Aria. Harness the power of your S-rank and explore the labyrinth with Aria
2013 更新: 2025-01-03 02:02:02
The labyrinthine city of Lewin. This monster-infested labyrinth was home to a large number of adventurers. The protagonist, who has lost his life and is reincarnated, wakes up in a labyrinth. No matter how you look at it, it's a kitten! However, it was actually a juvenile form of the disaster-class S-rank monster "Behemoth"! He meets Aria, a fledgling D-rank adventurer. Mistaking him for a kitten, Aria takes him home and treats him when he is seriously injured, naming him "Tama" and making him a pet. Tama was touched by her kindness and vowed to become a knight to protect Aria. Harness the power of your S-rank and explore the labyrinth with Aria
导演: 汤山邦彦,矢岛哲生,上田茂,富安大贵,山口赖房,岩本保雄,前园文夫,吉村文宏,浅见松雄,铃木卓夫,末田宜史,渡边正彦,古贺一臣,关野昌弘,浅田裕二,濑谷新二,小平麻纪,南川达马,松田清,柳濑雄之,西田健一
主演: 松本梨香,大谷育江,牧口真幸,梶裕贵,伊濑茉莉也,上田祐司,远藤绫,林原惠美,三木真一郎,犬山犬子

With the magic word "Cuap Lapapa!", the two time futures are now connected!
