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Jia Jixiang and Sha Li are a couple born in the 90s who got married in a flash, they have different views on life and work, often have conflicts, and finally divorce due to misunderstanding. After the divorce, Jia Jixiang was not going well everywhere, and his friends Qian Zimo and Jiang Shanhe always wanted to help him get out of the predicament, but the combination of the three not only did not get rid of the predicament, but also often caused a lot of embarrassment. Sha Li has always wanted to find a chance to remarry Jia Jixiang, but Jia Jixiang's performance again and again disappointed her, and her best friends Mo Gege and Yu Meiren have different opinions on the issue of Sha Li's marriage. In order to help Jia Jixiang, Qian Zimo and Jiang Shanhe also slowly started a "battle" with Mogege and Yu Meiren, which further promoted the escalation of the contradiction between Sha Li and Jia Jixiang. Sha Li sorted out his mood and put all his energy on his career, and Jia Jixiang also wanted to prove himself by working hard and renew
Upcoming court appearance
Updated to [6] The story takes place in the 30s of the 20th century, and the chaotic Shandong Gaomi is precisely the DDD of the legendary occurrence of singing and crying. The broken landlord Dai Laosan (played by Han Tongsheng) was forced to make a living, and insisted on marrying his beautiful and strong daughter Jiu'er (played by Zhou Xun) to the leprosy son of the Shan family, a big brewer. Jiu'er didn't wait for Junjie, a childhood sweetheart, to elope with her, but was tied up by the bandits, and finally escaped thanks to the rescue of the sedan chair husband Yu Zhanao (played by Zhu Yawen). Jiu'er walked into the grave of a desperate marriage, while Yu Zhanao brutally destroyed the marriage and led her to find true happiness. No matter how the villagers despised and cursed, these two "dog men and women" lived their true temperament straightforwardly, they ran a sorghum winery, and Yu Zhanao even set up an armed force to fight against all forces. With the outbreak of Japan's war of aggression against China, they also came to the threshold of fate...... This film is based on Mo Yan's classic novel "Red Sorghum Family".
Global nodes
Jia Jixiang and Sha Li are a couple born in the 90s who got married in a flash, they have different views on life and work, often have conflicts, and finally divorce due to misunderstanding. After the divorce, Jia Jixiang was not going well everywhere, and his friends Qian Zimo and Jiang Shanhe always wanted to help him get out of the predicament, but the combination of the three not only did not get rid of the predicament, but also often caused a lot of embarrassment. Sha Li has always wanted to find a chance to remarry Jia Jixiang, but Jia Jixiang's performance again and again disappointed her, and her best friends Mo Gege and Yu Meiren have different opinions on the issue of Sha Li's marriage. In order to help Jia Jixiang, Qian Zimo and Jiang Shanhe also slowly started a "battle" with Mogege and Yu Meiren, which further promoted the escalation of the contradiction between Sha Li and Jia Jixiang. Sha Li sorted out his mood and put all his energy on his career, and Jia Jixiang also wanted to prove himself by working hard and renew
Smile intriguingly
Adapted from the popular novel of the same name by Xiangwang "Occupy Jiangxi". Min Jiangxi (played by Tan Yanyan), who is determined to become the "first female gentleman in Shencheng", met Qin Zhan (played by Wang Xuan), the "first evil in Shencheng", the two went from being wary of each other to cherishing each other, and finally joined forces to eradicate the giant evil in the business world.

Cui Tiejun, Xu Guozhu, and Pan Jianghai, known as the "trident" of the city bureau, discovered that the key suspects were implicated in a murder case 20 years ago when they cracked a pyramid scheme. In order to be able to investigate the case thoroughly, the three veteran policemen, with the support of the Guo Bureau, established the Trident Studio. With the cooperation of the apprentice Xiao Lu and the young female police officer Xu Man, the old three assisted various police departments to solve many major and important cases, and the truth of the suspected case 20 years ago was finally revealed. However, as the investigation deepens, Trident discovers that it all has something to do with a criminal syndicate called the "Castle Peak Society". And this criminal group tries to monopolize the market and grab profits through the virtual currency of "Cloud Trade Coin". In the end, Trident rose to the challenge, broke through many obstacles, and finally uprooted the criminal organization "Qingshan Society" that had been entrenched in Ping'an Province for many years, and the main culprit was Zhou Mao

The gentle male doctor He Suye (played by Zhang Linghe) and the hotel front office manager Shen Xifan (played by Xu Ruohan), who has severe insomnia, met unexpectedly and secretly fell in love in the daily drips, and finally the two healed each other in the daily drips, and sweetly harvested a love story with a moist herbal fragrance. The series is based on Sheng Li's novel "Loving You, It's the Best Thing I've Ever Done".

At the time of the downturn in the film and television industry, Yiping Film and Television Company launched an innovative "live caving reality show". The well-known actor Li Kaixuan and several amateurs went to explore the cave, but horror and suspenseful strange things happened one after another, and they were trapped by a trap set by a mysterious person. After they have experienced the test of humanity and the baptism of their hearts, the terrifying truth slowly emerges.

The gentle male doctor He Suye (played by Zhang Linghe) and the hotel front office manager Shen Xifan (played by Xu Ruohan), who has severe insomnia, met unexpectedly and secretly fell in love in the daily drips, and finally the two healed each other in the daily drips, and sweetly harvested a love story with a moist herbal fragrance. The series is based on Sheng Li's novel "Loving You, It's the Best Thing I've Ever Done".
Updated to [6]
Director: Zheng Xiaolong
The story takes place in the 30s of the 20th century, and the chaotic Shandong Gaomi is precisely the DDD of the legendary occurrence of singing and crying. The broken landlord Dai Laosan (played by Han Tongsheng) was forced to make a living, and insisted on marrying his beautiful and strong daughter Jiu'er (played by Zhou Xun) to the leprosy son of the Shan family, a big brewer. Jiu'er didn't wait for Junjie, a childhood sweetheart, to elope with her, but was tied up by the bandits, and finally escaped thanks to the rescue of the sedan chair husband Yu Zhanao (played by Zhu Yawen). Jiu'er walked into the grave of a desperate marriage, while Yu Zhanao brutally destroyed the marriage and led her to find true happiness. No matter how the villagers despised and cursed, these two "dog men and women" lived their true temperament straightforwardly, they ran a sorghum winery, and Yu Zhanao even set up an armed force to fight against all forces. With the outbreak of Japan's war of aggression against China, they also came to the threshold of fate...... This film is based on Mo Yan's classic novel "Red Sorghum Family".

  家,是每个人背后的精神支柱ddd  四十集「天伦」,正好肯定了「家」的存在价值。在家的护荫下,让每一个人能建立对生命的信念,勇敢地向前迈进。  林海(张翼)是鲤鱼门海鲜酒家的东主,育有两子两女,长子林家达(林嘉华)是典型世界仔,次子林家伟(关礼华)外表粗豪,实则为人细心,侍父至孝,但由于性格刚直,常与父发生龃龉。三女林紫珊(郭蔼明)天生丽质,甚为聪颖,四女林紫琼(钟淑慧)性格内向,缺乏自信。  林家还有一个重要成员,便是林海之妹妹(顾美华),年近四十,但乐观豁达,是林家之精神支柱。任职大车行营业主任,但仍是单身贵族一名,她与男友齐亮天(朱江)的一段感情纠缠多年,仍未有结果,皆因对方是有妇之夫,而天为了道义和责任问题,一直对离婚一事迟疑不决。及至天的女儿齐雪儿(蔡少芬),发现了父与清的恋情,更暗思报复。先是苦缠达,使他与妻子张玉卿(林其欣)闹翻,又施计迫使伟的妻子唐可琪(黎姿)离开林家,继而欲毒害清然后嫁祸王细九(许绍雄)。不料害人终害己……  九是琪的养父,对清有非凡感情,但基于清之心已另有所属,唯有把感情埋藏心底。  至于三女珊,自小虽受众人宠爱,人生旅途畅顺无阻。自嫁入豪门后,波折重重,与丈夫宋文俊(邵仲衡)相爱,但彼此的人生目标各有不同,因而数度离合,最后看破红尘,递入空门,其后在一次意外中俊为求珊而变成植物人,令珊再起尘世情爱之念……  除了卡士强劲,此剧的故事亦十分紧凑,讲述家庭伦理恩怨情仇,爱恨交缠,剧力万钧。故事围绕林家四兄弟姊妹,大哥林嘉华背着妻子林其欣与美丽的蔡少芬发展婚外情,却差点被一心利用他报仇的蔡少芬害得家散人亡。二哥关礼杰与黎姿本属斗气冤家,朝夕相对下渐生情愫,最终有情人终成眷属;可惜婚后却不停遭家里的恶魔蔡少芬陷害,差点害得黎姿小产。三妹郭蔼明本为娱乐圈新星,与富家子邵颂衡一见钟情,可惜邵颂衡的家人并不喜欢当演员的郭蔼明;最后她为邵颂衡放弃如日中天的演艺事业一心嫁入豪门,却发现并不如想像中幸福,两人相处亦问题频生,最终分手收场。但其实两人仍心爱对方,究竟在经历三离三合后能否再走在一起?四妹钟淑慧则是一位害羞怕事的女孩,她邂逅了有妇之夫曾伟权并怀有其骨肉,受尽千夫所指。最终林家四兄妹的下场会如何?他们又能否与自己心中所爱开展幸福生活?收看此四十集家族情仇伦理剧自有分晓。

Update: 2024-12-31 04:19:58