Updated to [4]
Alex Russo (Selena Gomez) and Billie (Janice LeAnn Brown), a powerful but rebellious young magician, appear to ask for help, disrupting Justin's (David Henrie) peaceful life. But in order to protect the future of the wizarding world, Justin decides to "go out of the mountains" and train and teach Billie to use magic well.
AppleTV renews Gugu Mbata-Rau for a second season of 'Surfacing'.
AppleTV renews Gugu Mbata-Rau for a second season of 'Surfacing'.
AppleTV renews Gugu Mbata-Rau for a second season of 'Surfacing'.
AppleTV renews Gugu Mbata-Rau for a second season of 'Surfacing'.
Alex Russo (Selena Gomez) and Billie (Janice LeAnn Brown), a powerful but rebellious young magician, appear to ask for help, disrupting Justin's (David Henrie) peaceful life. But in order to protect the future of the wizarding world, Justin decides to "go out of the mountains" and train and teach Billie to use magic well.
Updated to [3]
入间道夫(竹野内丰饰)是一个为了绝不制造冤案,亲自进行现场验证,查明事件真相的不守常规的刑事法官。虽然与稳重的法官形象相去甚远,但他有着自由的观察眼光和彻底调查的探究心,完全不受约束、偏见和成见的束缚,是律师和检察官都惧怕的怪人。另一方面,对于每个人经常负责250件左右案件的刑事法官来说,迅速有效地处理案件也是一大使命。对于以自己的步调深入挖掘事件的道夫,其他成员总是很苦恼。这样的道夫,其实有着原律师的特殊经历。成为法官的背景,好像和过去的某个事件有很深的关联bbb (猪猪字幕组翻译)
The story takes place in a mega-corporation called Lumon, where a brand-new technology called amnesticomtomy is being experimented with, and employees who have undergone surgery will undergo personality separation surgery to form a corporate personality and an everyday personality. This bold experiment in "work-life balance" has been called into question. Employee Mark finds himself at the center of a mystery that forces him to confront the nature of his work and himself. In the second season, Mark and his friends learn about the terrible consequences of cutting their memories, setting them on an even more painful path.