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CN Cinema App Download: Midnight Edition The Supreme Goes Down to the South
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The emperor's father is eternal, and the thousand-year-old cute baby is looking for her mother online
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The supreme end in the south of the city, the divine doctor, the short play

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Updated: 2025-01-24
Update: 2025-01-24 03:13:23
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CN Cinema App Download: Midnight Edition
The Supreme Goes Down to the South
All 88 episodes

  此剧是体育题材韩剧,主要讲述了由闯祸放弃运动,前国家队运动员出身的心理教练与退役的选手们一起帮助那些陷入低谷的运动员走出低谷,与弱肉强食的不合理世界展开真正较量的故事ddd  郑宇剧中饰演男主齐葛吉一角,之前是国家队跆拳道运动员,现在是心理教练。  李瑜美饰演短道速滑世界冠军车嘉艺一角,现在陷入了低谷之中。

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