Pittsburgh Medics Frontline
Online nodes
The Voice of China
Epix's new series, GetShorty, a 10-episode TV series based on 1995's "Shorty Goes the Hunt," will air DDD on August 13, US time.
2020 日剧 Updated to [7]
Online nodes
The Voice of China
Young Magician: The Successor
CN Cinema - Online cinema for Chinese Chinese overseas. Offering the latest movies, free movies, movies to watch online
Updated to [3]
2020 日剧
导演: 深川荣洋
主演: 中山美穗,大岛优子,木村多江,上地雄辅,长野博,生濑胜久,高桥优斗,佐久间由衣,堀内敬子,片濑那奈,高桥惠子,片冈鹤太郎

Fast & Furious

As the second season begins, just as Elsbeth Tascioni begins to adjust to her new life and career in New York, the mistakes she made in Chicago begin to haunt her again. Officers Blanke and Wagner faced their own challenges as the precinct had just recovered from last year's unpleasantness and was reorganized by a new nosy deputy superintendent. At the same time, the team gets a glimpse of an even stranger side of New York's elite as they confront those who think they can get away with it.