This drama tells the story of Tomataro Abuta (played by Masaku Takasugi), the director of Abuta Law Firm, who inherits his father's office. After my father's time when there were many lawyers, there is only one lawyer under his umbrella. One day, the suspicious woman Tiantong Ryumi (played by Moe Kamishiraishi), who met in the court, suddenly handed him an envelope. In that envelope, which said "The Sealer", a prediction of the verdict was written, and it was fully fulfilled. Although he had no experience as a lawyer, Torotaro and his paralegal Kan Rijiang appreciated her foresight and decided to try hiring Tatsumi as a lawyer. Ryumi, who was already playing shogi, guided the incident to be solved according to the laws of shogi!?
This drama is adapted from Rito Asami's manga of the same name, which tells the story of the former policeman's father Haruo Yamashita (played by Masaya Nakagawa) who was killed on Christmas Eve, and his daughter Yamashita Kokomai (played by Suzu Hirose) uses the letters left by her father as clues to track down the truth of the suspenseful story of human crimes. The letter left by my father reads the word "unjust". In approaching the truth of the event, two events, the present and the past, are intricately intertwined...
Updated to [4]
Japan's No. 1 worst man
This drama is adapted from Rito Asami's manga of the same name, which tells the story of the former policeman's father Haruo Yamashita (played by Masaya Nakagawa) who was killed on Christmas Eve, and his daughter Yamashita Kokomai (played by Suzu Hirose) uses the letters left by her father as clues to track down the truth of the suspenseful story of human crimes. The letter left by my father reads the word "unjust". In approaching the truth of the event, two events, the present and the past, are intricately intertwined...
Elpis - Hope or Disaster -
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警视厅搜查一课青年刑警石川安吾(小栗旬饰)是一个内心倍感空虚和孤独的人,当初做巡警时他曾在现场附近抓住凶手,从而如愿进入刑警队伍。这一人生转折令他平日里隐隐期盼案件的发生。然而这一次当他照例巡查现场附近时,却被神秘之人开枪击中头部,幸运的是石川最终从死亡线上活转过来。某晚,一家三口被人残忍杀害,刚刚归队的石川跟随上司市仓卓司(远藤宪一饰)、同事立花雄马(青木崇高饰)第一时间赶往现场,当入户调查时,一阵眩晕过后石川竟然目睹了死者的鬼魂。鬼魂拜托他抓住真正凶手。通过全力奔走和追查证据和线索,石川和同侪真凶绳之于法bbb 兜转在生死边界,死过一次的石川仿佛背负全新使命,以独特的方式为凶案的死者们沉冤昭雪,而在这一过程中也不知不觉跨过善与恶的界限……
Elpis - Hope or Disaster -