The cute gimmick vibe of "Touching the Heart of the Whole of Siam Square Around the Cute Relationship Between Four Young People" has been introduced into the pop culture that is happening nowadays, and nail art has become more than just an ordinary painting, it can create infinite patterns and become one of the areas where teenagers can express themselves without restrictions on gender. The plot tells a story about love and relationships, and also contains a story about growing up and learning to change the four characters. High school student Fourmod was often invited by Gel Nail Boy Chian to get his nails done in Siam Square, which caused Fourmod to fall. However, he later realized that when he found out that Chian also invited Luk Khrueng Tiktoker Bua to finish his nails together
This is a Vietnamese school-themed BL web drama that tells the story of a group of high school students who are tortured for their homosexuality.
The cute gimmick vibe of "Touching the Heart of the Whole of Siam Square Around the Cute Relationship Between Four Young People" has been introduced into the pop culture that is happening nowadays, and nail art has become more than just an ordinary painting, it can create infinite patterns and become one of the areas where teenagers can express themselves without restrictions on gender. The plot tells a story about love and relationships, and also contains a story about growing up and learning to change the four characters. High school student Fourmod was often invited by Gel Nail Boy Chian to get his nails done in Siam Square, which caused Fourmod to fall. However, he later realized that when he found out that Chian also invited Luk Khrueng Tiktoker Bua to finish his nails together
GMMTV announced that it will make a remake of the Japanese drama "Uncle's Love", starring Brother Qiu and Hui Hui.
Infernal Affairs (Cantonese)
Infernal Affairs (Cantonese)
The cute gimmick vibe of "Touching the Heart of the Whole of Siam Square Around the Cute Relationship Between Four Young People" has been introduced into the pop culture that is happening nowadays, and nail art has become more than just an ordinary painting, it can create infinite patterns and become one of the areas where teenagers can express themselves without restrictions on gender. The plot tells a story about love and relationships, and also contains a story about growing up and learning to change the four characters. High school student Fourmod was often invited by Gel Nail Boy Chian to get his nails done in Siam Square, which caused Fourmod to fall. However, he later realized that when he found out that Chian also invited Luk Khrueng Tiktoker Bua to finish his nails together
GMMTV announced that it will make a remake of the Japanese drama "Uncle's Love", starring Brother Qiu and Hui Hui.
After the death of an entertainment female reporter
笕史朗(西岛秀俊饰)是一位经验丰富的律师,在同事们眼中,他英俊、专业,年逾四十但依然单身,俨然钻石王老五的形象,但实际上,史朗是一名同性恋者,正在和交往多年的恋人贤二(内野圣阳饰)同居中,只是他一直都没有将身份公开ccc 对于史朗来说,每天最重要的事情是做饭,因此,他总是竭力在工作时间内完成工作任务,绝不加班,只为了能够在超市关门之前前去采购当日的优惠菜品,并且通过精打细算将两人的伙食费控制在25000日元之内。史朗和贤二早就过了热恋期,相处起来宛如老夫老妻那般自然又充满柔情,然而,再平静的生活里也会偶尔发生些许波折,在踌躇和迷惘之中,美食的治愈之力就显得格外重要。
TV series