Alex Russo (Selena Gomez) and Billie (Janice LeAnn Brown), a powerful but rebellious young magician, appear to ask for help, disrupting Justin's (David Henrie) peaceful life. But in order to protect the future of the wizarding world, Justin decides to "go out of the mountains" and train and teach Billie to use magic well.
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AppleTV renews Gugu Mbata-Rau for a second season of 'Surfacing'.

Put all one’s eggs in one basket
Starring: Chris O'Dowd, Ray Romano, Sean Brigiggs, Lydia Porto, Megan Stevenson, Carolyn Dodd, Goya Robles, Lucy Waters, Sarah Stiles, Isaac Keys, Sasha Feldman, Stephen R. Estler, Ryan Begay, Bruce McIntosh, Peter Sterman, Billy Magnussen, Christopher Praha, Phil A. Rama, Antoine Tana

Starring: Chris O'Dowd, Ray Romano, Sean Brigiggs, Lydia Porto, Megan Stevenson, Carolyn Dodd, Goya Robles, Lucy Waters, Sarah Stiles, Isaac Keys, Sasha Feldman, Stephen R. Estler, Ryan Begay, Bruce McIntosh, Peter Sterman, Billy Magnussen, Christopher Praha, Phil A. Rama, Antoine Tana

Starring: Chris O'Dowd, Ray Romano, Sean Brigiggs, Lydia Porto, Megan Stevenson, Carolyn Dodd, Goya Robles, Lucy Waters, Sarah Stiles, Isaac Keys, Sasha Feldman, Stephen R. Estler, Ryan Begay, Bruce McIntosh, Peter Sterman, Billy Magnussen, Christopher Praha, Phil A. Rama, Antoine Tana
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导演: 本广克行,泽田镰作
主演: 织田裕二,柳叶敏郎,深津绘里,水野美纪,碇矢长介,中山裕介,小野武彦,佐户井贤太,筱原凉子,近藤芳正,北村总一朗,升毅

SAS: Rogue Heroes Season 2

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