驱魔少年 圣徒
With the magic word "Cuap Lapapa!", the two time futures are now connected!
驱魔少年 圣徒
Plane battles
2016 日本动漫 更新: 2025-01-25 12:56:00
With the magic word "Cuap Lapapa!", the two time futures are now connected!
Plane battles
2016 日本动漫
导演: 芦野芳晴,吉田俊司,原田奈奈,关晓子,荻原露光,小野田雄亮,金子祥之,前园文夫,宇根信也,铃木恭兵,种村绫隆
主演: 村瀬步,佐藤拓也,花江夏树,加隈亚衣,立花慎之介,青山穰,西田雅一,最上嗣生,近藤唯,保志总一朗,浅利辽太,杉山纪彰,小清水亚美,大塚芳忠,井上刚,杉田智和,市来光弘,大川透,江口拓也,齐藤壮马,末柄里惠,矢作纱友里,洲崎绫,国立幸,高森奈津美,潘惠美,代永翼,飞田展男,饭塚昭三,羽多野涉

The labyrinthine city of Lewin. This monster-infested labyrinth was home to a large number of adventurers. The protagonist, who has lost his life and is reincarnated, wakes up in a labyrinth. No matter how you look at it, it's a kitten! However, it was actually a juvenile form of the disaster-class S-rank monster "Behemoth"! He meets Aria, a fledgling D-rank adventurer. Mistaking him for a kitten, Aria takes him home and treats him when he is seriously injured, naming him "Tama" and making him a pet. Tama was touched by her kindness and vowed to become a knight to protect Aria. Harness the power of your S-rank and explore the labyrinth with Aria

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