Destined I love you
"Marryme, ornot?" is the second installment of the 2015 Eastern Television self-produced drama series. The 44th work of the 2015 China Television Sunday Idol Drama. This play is starring Qiu Ze, Ke Jiayan, Zeng Zhiqiao, and Huaiqiu, directed by Yu Zhongzhong, and produced by Sanfeng as a Taiwanese puppet
It tells about the differences between small people in the market and wealthy families, and explores the gap between their values.
True love now
Yiru (played by Chen Tingni) is preoccupied with her career, so she neglects her personal love life, one day, she was unexpectedly told by the doctor that she suffered from an incurable disease, and she only had half a year to live, and her wonderful life was about to end before it really began. Shocked and desperate, Yiru set out on a journey to a foreign land
True love now
It tells about the differences between small people in the market and wealthy families, and explores the gap between their values.
2018 Taiwan
Starring: Cao Youning, Guo Shuyao, Wang Baijie, Ma Zhixiang, Yang Liang, Tang Zhiwei, Chen Weimin, Ouyang Lun
The Voice of China总是被欺负的幕之内一步在机缘巧合下遇到职业拳击手鹰村,并从此开始了拳击生bbb。初入鸭川会的一步在鸭川会长严厉的训练下,终于登上了日本冠军。在卫冕第一战中击败天才拳击手真田之后,下一个对手是曾经在鸭川会一同挥洒汗水的师弟・山田直道。面对不顾情面,大言不惭的宣称要夺取冠军宝座的直道,一步的内心动摇了……【STAFF】监督:宍戸淳系列构成:ふでやすかずゆき人物设定:杉浦幸次音乐:平野義久音响监督:中島聡彦动画制作:MADHOUSE製作著作:日本テレビ/D.N.ドリームパートナーズ、バップ、MADHOUSE【CAST】幕之内一步:喜安浩平鹰村守:小山力也宫田一郎:関智一鸭川源二:内海賢二青木胜:高木渉木村达也:藤原啓治
60 episodes