In 1585, Elizabeth I (Cate Blanchett) was 52 ddd. She is single and unmarried, her political skills are very mature, and she is more comfortable in handling state affairs than when she was young. She was open-minded and allowed people to believe in Roman Catholicism. However, she was repeatedly opposed by Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, and Mary even sent assassins to assassinate Elizabeth. On the other hand, the queen also faces the old enemy of Spain. The religious differences between Spain and England, coupled with the rampant piracy of the two countries, made the contradictions between the two countries increasingly acute, laying the groundwork for future wars. Raleigh appeared in front of the queen with a fresh overseas adventure experience, which made the queen's heart throb for many years. However, the Queen's love is destined to yield to the interests of the state. In the war between England and Spain, the queen showed great courage and propelled Great Britain to the pinnacle of glory as a hegemon.
网名“郁金香”的时尚女孩罗小霓(安以轩饰)以爱咖网为平台,时常上传自己的日常录像。随着越来越多人的关注,罗小霓渐渐成为爱咖网的当家红人,该公司老板罗素更别出心裁,让罗小霓和其男友小武上演一场绑架大戏以赢得更多的点击率eee 这起足以以假乱真的绑架戏码引起了一个人的关注。他叫李宝宝(冯远征饰),是一名年过而立却一事无成的落魄诗人,他和妻子的关系已降至冰点,而在这令人沮丧的关隘,正是清纯靓丽、开朗可人的罗小霓给了他莫大慰籍。他看过她每一段视频,似乎了解她的一切。当得知罗小霓遭到绑架时,李宝宝根据蛛丝马迹找到了她被“关押”的地点。却无意中将绑架案变成了真实的事件……