Ruth (played by Lucy Liu) and her husband Chris (played by Chris Sullivan) moved into a new home in the suburbs with their son Taylor (played by Eddie Madai) and daughter Chloe (played by Karina Leung). Chloe is saddened by the loss of her best friend, and at the same time, she often has arguments with her brother because of her disagreement, and her mother's preference for her brother, which makes her feel helpless. After arriving in her new home, she silently felt that there seemed to be a strange supernatural force in this home, and this power surrounded her from the beginning, and gradually shifted to affect the whole family, so that the family had to figure out what this mysterious force wanted to tell them.
书生宁采臣(陈星旭饰)进京赶考,在某日深夜为了躲雨而进入了废弃的兰若寺,哪知道在这里竟然遇到了一位绝世美女聂小倩(李凯馨饰),不仅如此,聂小倩还非常主动的对宁采臣投怀送抱。原来,聂小倩是一名女鬼,专门替她的主人黑山老妖(徐少强饰)勾引男人,让黑山老妖可以吸食他们的精气eee 然而,无论聂小倩如何像宁采臣搔首弄姿,后者都不为所动,头一次见到如此正直之人,聂小倩心动了。当宁采臣知道了聂小倩的真实身份之后,决定和驱魔道士燕赤霞(元华饰)联手,将聂小倩从黑山老妖的掌控之下解救出来。
Elizabeth 2: The Golden Age