Starring: Ayaya Susaki, Atsushi Tamaru, Yuki Kaneko, Shuri Nagatsuma, Yuri Yamashita, Saina Hidaka, Koshi Tsujitani, Kyoo Tsukui, Kumiko Watanabe, Takashi Yamazaki, Hiroshi Iie, Ken Narita, Yoko Hikasa, Keihisa Kawahara, Nakaya Nosaka, Yuri Yamaoka, Hiroshi Shimonono, Keiji Fujiwara, Nishimura Chi, Fumihiko Tateki, Mayuki Yukino, Daisuke Ono
Update: 2025-01-03 00:40:37
The daughter who definitely wants to cancel the marriage contract vs the crown prince who wants to get married no matter what, the unheard-of love offensive and defensive battle has since begun! Laetitia, the fiancée of Crown Prince Clark, sees Clark with her other daughters when she is tired of the hellish upbringing of the Crown Princess. "Your Highness has changed his mind? Does this mean that the marriage contract is canceled? Banzai! She happily immediately took refuge in her country, where she enjoyed her freedom. At this moment, Clark ran to the countryside to find her for some reason? "My engagement to you hasn't been canceled yet." …… Saying this kind of thing even now will only make people bothered!
《第三种魅力》是讲述陷入虽然不特别、但在彼此眼里闪耀的全新的“第三种魅力”的两个男女,一起经过20岁的春天,27岁的夏天,32岁的秋天,描写恋爱的四季的12年间的恋爱叙事诗ccc 徐康俊饰演异次元的现实型模范生温俊英,李絮饰演像活火山一样的女子李英彩。 温俊英是一个非比寻常的有规划且细腻的人,也是一个敏感的异次元的现实型的人。和流行相去甚远的眼镜、笔挺的牛仔裤和白色袜子以及一尘不染的球鞋,如果要定义20岁的俊英的话,那就是“标准的模范生”。为了凑人数他参加了人生第一次联谊,在那里他遇到了鸡婆且声音巨大的英彩,诞生了他人生中唯一一次没有按照计划实行的恋爱。 而李英彩则是冲动、热血、率性的魅力女子。她父母双亡,和哥哥相依为命,在别人玩耍的时候,拼命工作成为有钱人是她的目标。她20岁时放弃读大学,选择成为美容师助手,正式踏入社会,她的第一次“校园生活”是被朋友硬拉着参加的联谊,在那里她遇到了和自己完全相反的男人俊英。
Earthbound Boy Hanako-kun Season 2 Groundbound Boy Hanako くん 2