Ruth (played by Lucy Liu) and her husband Chris (played by Chris Sullivan) moved into a new home in the suburbs with their son Taylor (played by Eddie Madai) and daughter Chloe (played by Karina Leung). Chloe is saddened by the loss of her best friend, and at the same time, she often has arguments with her brother because of her disagreement, and her mother's preference for her brother, which makes her feel helpless. After arriving in her new home, she silently felt that there seemed to be a strange supernatural force in this home, and this power surrounded her from the beginning, and gradually shifted to affect the whole family, so that the family had to figure out what this mysterious force wanted to tell them.
2007 Europe and the United States
Starring: Cate Blanchett, Lawrence Fox, Jandy Mora, Jeffrey Rush, John Slapnell, Susan Lynch, Samantha Morton, Abby Cornish, Rhys Evans, Eddie Redmayne, Cliff Owen
Ruth (played by Lucy Liu) and her husband Chris (played by Chris Sullivan) moved into a new home in the suburbs with their son Taylor (played by Eddie Madai) and daughter Chloe (played by Karina Leung). Chloe is saddened by the loss of her best friend, and at the same time, she often has arguments with her brother because of her disagreement, and her mother's preference for her brother, which makes her feel helpless. After arriving in her new home, she silently felt that there seemed to be a strange supernatural force in this home, and this power surrounded her from the beginning, and gradually shifted to affect the whole family, so that the family had to figure out what this mysterious force wanted to tell them.
Starring: Cate Blanchett, Lawrence Fox, Jandy Mora, Jeffrey Rush, John Slapnell, Susan Lynch, Samantha Morton, Abby Cornish, Rhys Evans, Eddie Redmayne, Cliff Owen
Elizabeth 2: The Golden Age
Elizabeth 2: The Golden Age
Elizabeth 2: The Golden Age