Actress #Haruna Kawaguchi# (29) will star in the NTV Earth 10 drama "ensemble" that will air in January next year, and co-play a lawyer with SixTONES member #Matsumura Hokuto# (29), a new original "legal love story" that depicts a completely different from previous court dramas. This drama is Kawaguchi's first starring role in an NTV TV series, and the script is played by three people: Kuniyoshi Sakita, Morohashi Hayato, and Nishioka Tomomi. In the play, Kawaguchi plays the role of Sena Koyama, a popular lawyer full of realism, and she partners with the idealistic rookie lawyer Yu Matohara played by Matsumura to challenge the trial of various love disputes, and the two with completely opposite personalities often quarrel in court around the ideal and reality of love. But in every love
自认为帅哥二人组的载弼(李星民 饰)和尚九(李熙峻 饰)搬到某小镇的第一天,就被崔所长(朴智焕 饰)、南巡警(李奎炯 饰)列为特别监视对象,但载弼和尚九光是因为能住在梦想中的欧风建筑就感到很幸福。然而,当他们救了掉进水里的美娜(孔升妍 饰)时,却被误认为绑匪。后来,以来寻找美娜的不速之客们为开端,被封印在地下室的恶灵觉醒,黑暗气息开始笼罩整个家……