Yu Aoi X4 lies
How many times in your life have you lied? With the proposition of "lies", Yu Aoi collaborated with four producers who are active in advertising, television, and film to create four short films with their own characteristics, each with three parts, with a total of 12 episodes. And Yu Aoi plays four people with completely different personalities and living environments. The four chapters are "Life Is Like a Lie", "Rose-colored Days", "The Three Sisters of Akabane", and "Tomin Suzuko - Million Dollars and the Prologue of the Bitter Worm Girl-". Stories are presented in a variety of forms, including stage, melodrama, etc. And "lie" here is not just a verbal lie, it is expanded to a deeper meaning. It may be an incredible disaster, a dream that you have woven yourself, etc., and it is difficult to define the word "lie" as good or bad, and it is up to you to judge. Next, please enter